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What Is A SKYPE Piano Lesson?

SKYPE piano lessons are conducted via webcam. SKYPE is a FREE Downloadable program that has video and audio components.

The student would need to download and install the skype program from

Once installed the launch the program and it shoudl recognize the audio and video components of your computer system.

Add StarlingSounds to your contact list. Once added you will be able to see whan I am online and vice versa.

There is also an icon on the front of the website that displays the same information as to when I am logged into SKYPE.

The cost of these piano lessons is $50 for 50 minutes.

Payment is made via the donation button on the website located on the Contact Me page.

Call or email in to schedule the webcam lesson. Topics vary based on the students needs.

A trial video session can be scheduled to ensure proper network connectivity.

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